Symposium wrap up, President’s message, prize winners, blog contest, media member news and upcoming Meetup announcements.

Symposium wrap up, President’s message, prize winners, blog contest, media member news and upcoming Meetup announcements.
BCATW members and non-member travel writers had a great time at the BCATW 2016 Symposium on April 10 at the Anvil Center and here some images and videos to prove it.
After a long day of travel talking, BCATW 2016 attendees will journey south – across Columbia Street to New Westminster’s newest Mexican restaurant, El Santo.
Our BCATW 2016 Travel Writing Symposium, themed British Columbia – Too Beautiful For Words, is shaping up to be a memorable event, especially with the contests we’ve planned.
Our line-up is complete. The BCATW 2016 Travel Writing Symposium committee Chairman, John Thomson, announced this morning the event’s final confirmed panel speaker: Jennifer Elliott, the new travel editor at Vancouver magazine.
The BC Association of Travel Writers (BCATW) is happy to announce its upcoming 2016 Symposium, themed British Columbia – Too Beautiful for Words.