The Annual General Meeting of the B.C. Association of Travel Writers covering the activities for the period January 2013 to November 2013 will be held on Saturday November 23

The Annual General Meeting of the B.C. Association of Travel Writers covering the activities for the period January 2013 to November 2013 will be held on Saturday November 23
The 10th Annual BC Association of Travel Writers’ Symposium is set to reveal how to sell your writing internationally! And it’ll be a time to celebrate the contributions of our two wonderful founders.
Cherie Thiessen has stories in this month’s Pacific Yachting issue (A Gulf Islands’ events cruising guide), in Boat Journal (Destination Sucia Island), and three stories in Aqua Magazine (Coffee culture in the Gulf Islands, La Berengerie Restaurant and Inn on Galiano, and The Tree Frog Gallery on Mayne Island.)
Welcome to the newly redesigned British Columbia Association of Travel Writers blog.