If you want to post on the BCATW.org site but are confused/afraid/reluctant to do so, please watch this video.

If you want to post on the BCATW.org site but are confused/afraid/reluctant to do so, please watch this video.
Greetings travel writers! Having heard concerns about using the BCATW site yesterday at the AGM, I want to point out a quick easy way to post. After login, members are directed to this Dashboard page and at the top left you’ll see QuickPress! You can compose an alert or new item here without getting fancy […]
Here’s a quick way for BCATW members to send an email to the entire membership. Send an Email to Subscribers.
Our site is looking good but there are a couple of improvements we’d like to see regarding SEO and Passwords, and we need your help.
When you add a post to the BCATW blog site, please remember to set “Author” to yourself and customize anything else below the text box that is applicable to your post.
You are a member of a group that has a WordPress blog and you want to contribute. But, you don’t know how to post on a WordPress blog. What to do?
Welcome to the newly redesigned British Columbia Association of Travel Writers blog.