The BCATW Committee is working hard on final adjustments and confirmations. Our breakout education sessions are almost fully confirmed and we will be announcing them soon. Some prizes have also been confirmed. More info soon!

The BCATW Committee is working hard on final adjustments and confirmations. Our breakout education sessions are almost fully confirmed and we will be announcing them soon. Some prizes have also been confirmed. More info soon!
President’s Message After attending the BCATW January Meetup, Trip Night; touring Puerto Escondido on a FAM trip with Brian K Smith; and then speaking at the BC Beer Writers Brunch and running into more BCATW members (see write-ups for all these below), I am left with an indelible impression – we are a group of accomplished individuals with surprising […]
President’s Message Hope everyone is having a happy summer. We’ll have some announcements to make in the next BUZZ in regards to BCATW events and the date for the next AGM. I’ll be away from Sept 4 – Oct 20 touring the Greek Islands doing research for the ebook guide I’m working on for Hunter […]