Details about our upcoming symposium, Ecotourism: Tread Softly, Write with Impact; our next Meetup, Eat My Words, at Edible Canada and member news

Details about our upcoming symposium, Ecotourism: Tread Softly, Write with Impact; our next Meetup, Eat My Words, at Edible Canada and member news
A word from our new president, a bit on the January Meetup, an update about our Find A Writer Directory, BCATW member news and more!
The wind was howling as BCATW members braved the pounding rain to attend the Writers Directory Upload Party presented by Mari Kane at Oakridge Library on December 11th 2014. Despite some issues with the library wi-fi, BCATW members and a couple of guests had the opportunity to learn more about the Writers Directory, how to […]
This Buzz is a must read! Lots of news about our AGM, Board elections, membership dues reminder, December Meetup, new projector for rent, and media and industry member news.
Due to a freak accident at Peppa Martin’s Truth and Beauty Gallery, we were forced to change the location and time of our AGM to: 10 am at Mt. Pleasant Community Centre Library
In cozy and comfortable seats at Randi’s Room in Yaletown, we settled in to learn from our mastermind Ricky Shetty, talk about monetizing our blogs.
Are you ready for Fall? It may not be the best season for travel but it’s a great time to write. Here’s the September BCATW Buzz on the BC Association of Travel Writers.
It’s summer and not only are the days lazy and hazy, BCATW members are on the move in all directions. Here’s the Buzz on what they are up to.
Welcome to summer! Here’s the latest BCATW Buzz from the BC Association of Travel Writers. The Annual General Meeting, Meetups, Member News, and Kittysitting.