Both our BCATW President and Vice President step down due to illness, 2018 AGM announced for October 15, Media and Industry Member News

Both our BCATW President and Vice President step down due to illness, 2018 AGM announced for October 15, Media and Industry Member News
President Baila Lazarus’ message about BCATW 2018 Travel Writing Symposium, New Member Spotlight on Barbara Cameron, Media and Industry Member News, May 3rd Meetup: Developing a Web Series Around Your Travels.
The BCATW Committee is working hard on final adjustments and confirmations. Our breakout education sessions are almost fully confirmed and we will be announcing them soon. Some prizes have also been confirmed. More info soon!
President’s Message After attending the BCATW January Meetup, Trip Night; touring Puerto Escondido on a FAM trip with Brian K Smith; and then speaking at the BC Beer Writers Brunch and running into more BCATW members (see write-ups for all these below), I am left with an indelible impression – we are a group of accomplished individuals with surprising […]
This Buzz includes a message from our incoming President Baila Lazarus, November’s AGM report, a 2017 Symposium update, Media Member and Industry Member news, and an alert about our upcoming Meetup: Holiday Dinner December 7th.
From our President Kali Mera from Greece to all you BCATW members and associates! It’s been a good year for our Association with so many successful Meetups and an excellent symposium. The year is winding down now and I want to remind you all that the AGM will be held on November 19th, and […]
Symposium wrap up, President’s message, prize winners, blog contest, media member news and upcoming Meetup announcements.
President’s message, Register for BCATW 2016 Symposium, Media Member News, Industry Member News, Meetup News, New Member Spotlight.
January BCATW board meeting update, symposium update, Meetup news, media member and industry member news, and a new member spotlight