President’s Message, AGM News, Symposium Update, Website Update, Media and Industry Member News, upcoming BCTW Meetup January 10, 2018

President’s Message, AGM News, Symposium Update, Website Update, Media and Industry Member News, upcoming BCTW Meetup January 10, 2018
BCATW President’s call for new board members, 2017 AGM announcement, BCTW Meetup venue changes, Media and Industry member news, November 1 Meetup details
BCATW President’s message, call for photographs, Media Member news, Traveller’s Report, newletter, travel writing, blogs, videography, photography, awards
BCATW President’s message, Media and Industry member news, Fall BCTW Meetup schedule
President’s Message, one CMG Membership available, Mentorship Program, Media and Industry Members News, Meetups announcement
President’s Message Don’t scroll down! WE NEED YOUR HELP! I know you probably want to scroll down and catch up on everyone’s adventures but before you do, please read on. Our planning for the 2017 symposium is underway and now we need your input. Fabiano has graciously stepped forward to lead the event, and he’s […]
President’s Message After attending the BCATW January Meetup, Trip Night; touring Puerto Escondido on a FAM trip with Brian K Smith; and then speaking at the BC Beer Writers Brunch and running into more BCATW members (see write-ups for all these below), I am left with an indelible impression – we are a group of accomplished individuals with surprising […]
Happy New Year to all our members! President’s message, Dues Renewal Reminder, New Member Spotlight, BCATW Member News, Upcoming Meetups, BCATW Holiday Dinner.
This Buzz includes a message from our incoming President Baila Lazarus, November’s AGM report, a 2017 Symposium update, Media Member and Industry Member news, and an alert about our upcoming Meetup: Holiday Dinner December 7th.